GOLD Perinatal Speaker Interview 2016
We are thrilled to offer the latest evidence-based education from leading Researchers and Clinicians at our 2016 GOLD Perinatal Conference. We had a chance to sit down with some of the Speakers before the conference begins and learn a little bit more about them and what they will be presenting this year. Enjoy!
Please note, these are NOT presentations and do not count towards educational hours
Evidence Based Care: What it is, What it isn't, and How to Help Families Find it Rebecca Dekker |
Care and Management of Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Karen D'Apolito |
Understanding, Confronting and Reducing Childbirth Fear Jocelyn Toohill |
The role of the midwife in supporting women who experience domestic violence and abuse during pregnancy Kathleen Baird |
Late Preterm Infants: Not as Grown up as they look! Debbie Fraser |
Feeding the tiny premie: Supporting NICU families with evidence and compassion Christina Smillie |
The Importance of Direct-Breastfeeding and Breastmilk in the NICU Carrie-Ellen Briere |
Antibiotics and Breastfeeding: Indications and Impact for the Dyad Dixie Whetsell |
Category Two Electronic Fetal Monitor Strip Management Carrie Sue Halsey |
The Neurobiology of Attachment and Fear Learning in Infancy Jacek Debiec |
Changing the Conversation about Perinatal Support for Women of Size Jen McLellan |
The Placenta and Breastmilk-Unraveling the Mysterious World of the Intelligent Organs that Protect our Babies Laurel Wilson |
Moving beyond bottles: alternative strategies for supplementary feeding newborns Miranda Buck |
De-Mystifying Gestational Diabetes Nancy Irland |
New mothers' thoughts of infant-related harm and their relationship with postpartum OCD and parenting Nichole Fairbrother |
How childhood experiences affect mothering behaviour – and how practitioners can help Robin Grille |
Breastfeeding: Instinct or Skill Theresa Nesbitt |
Best Practices in Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Somatic Health for Optimal Birth Outcomes (Infant Mental Health Add-On) Kathe White |
Infant Trauma: Impact on Breastfeeding (Infant Mental Health Add-On) Alison Hazelbaker |
The First 1,000 days: Promoting Infant Mental Health (Infant Mental Health Add-On) Monica Roosa Ordway |
The connected baby : How understanding infant brain development changes our view of humanity (Infant Mental Health Add-On) Suzanne Zeedyk |